An Affiliation Situation

The aim of our blog is certainly not to spam you with our products, services or promotions.  These things may pop up from time to time, but we like to think of our blog as more of a medium for entertaining ourselves, our Customers and anyone else who happens to come across this page.  However, in order to share something with you in the proper context, it seems apt to talk a little bit about our Affiliate program, and perhaps share a secret that some Affiliates might not want the non-affiliated knowing. Essentially, what our Affiliate program does is to pay individuals for referring business to us.  You can see more details and full information here .  As an example, it is likely that you see HostGator ads in various places around the internet.  These are not ads placed by HostGator, but rather by our Affiliates.  Once you click on these ads and sign up for hosting, the given Affiliate is then compensated.  Another way it works is that an Affiliate can create a specific coupon code, then they are compensated for any qualifying account signed up with via the given coupon code. One situation that individuals may use (or abuse) affiliate programs would be various sites where you see, for example, a ranking of the “Top 10 Hosting Providers.”  Now, let’s say just hypothetically that they aren’t ranking the services provided using any valid metrics or even their own experiences, but rather the top-ranked host on the list is actually the one with the largest Affiliate payout, and the person who is doing the ranking is an Affiliate for all 10 providers ranked.  See how that would be a win-win for them?  You click on any host they rank and sign up for hosting, and they get paid for it.  Now, disregard that example as being hypothetical, because that’s basically the truth for the vast majority of those type of sites

An Affiliation Situation

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