Tag Archives: comedy

Introducing Cloud Sites on HostGator

The post Introducing Cloud Sites on HostGator appeared first on HostGator Blog . Here at HostGator, the word “unlimited” just expanded in scope. In keeping with our goal to always provide the best service and products in the industry, it is with great pleasure that we now introduce our new cloud hosting platform. We are able to offer our customers increased reliability, scalability and performance while still giving […] web hosting Continue reading

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How to Create a Plan for Getting Your First 1M Visitors

The post How to Create a Plan for Getting Your First 1M Visitors appeared first on HostGator Blog . Louis CK is arguably one of the funniest men alive right now.  He fills up massive theaters, sells out in minutes, and is so well known that he makes millions selling his recordings on his site with no advertising.  But he didn’t get there overnight . In 1984, he was getting on stage for the first time, and did so poorly that he didn’t try stand-up again for two years!  Eventually he came back with a plan, worked his way through the ranks, and became a massive success. Building a successful website follows the same path. It’s like Biz Stone’s famous quote: “Timing, perseverance, and ten years of trying will eventually make you look like an overnight success.” You can’t get your first million website visitors overnight. It requires creating a plan, having dedication, and constantly iterating and adjusting what you’re doing to make sure you hit your goal. Here’s how to do that. Planning to Get 1 Million Visitors We made a spreadsheet for you to make this easy. Go ahead and open up it here , make a copy for yourself, and follow along, plugging in numbers as you go. The only areas you need to edit are the ones in blue. The ones in grey update automatically. 1. Figure Out Where You Are Now At the top, plug in your current number of monthly visitors. This is your starting point. Your goal will automatically be set to double your current number . It’s aggressive! But it’s the best start on the road to 1 million visitors and we believe you can do it. 2. Pick Your One Channel Now I want you to pick one channel to focus on. Pick the one that’s most exciting, or that you feel the most comfortable with. Here are your options: Organic (traffic from search engines) Advertising Referrals from other websites Emails Social Media Why these options? Because that’s how Google Analytics breaks out your traffic channels so this will make it easier for you to assess how you’re doing. The easiest way to monitor how you’re performing in these channels as you go? Just use an on-site Google Analytics dashboard plugin . Your #1 focus for the next month: getting this ONE channel up so you can hit your goal number. To make up the difference between your goal and where you are now, you’ll need to try some things that you’re not currently doing. This is where the experiments come in. 3. Brainstorm Experiments Now, for this first month, come up with 3 things you could do to get more traffic. Make sure they’re actionable. Don’t say “get more twitter traffic” say “tweet five times a day and include at least one hashtag in each.” Here are some ideas: Organic Traffic Optimize existing content for keywords Reach out to 100 publications for getting backlinks Set a search volume minimum for future content and stick to it Add more internal site links Buy PPC ads to test potential keywords Advertising Spend $500 on Facebook ads to see how they perform Try the same with Google and Twitter Use an automation service like Automate Ads to test different ad designs Referrals Reach out to 50 bloggers in your field to build relationships and links to your content Find people who compile lists of products / blogs and ask to be included Look for podcasts / webinars you can participate in and get linked to from Use a tool like Mention to find references to you that aren’t link to you Email Start an email list if you haven’t! Read up on copywriting to improve the emails that you send to your list Add an email popup tool to your site to get more people to sign up A/B test your emails when you send them out to see what headlines get more clicks Simply change the frequency of your emails to your list to see how it affects activity Social Join a new social network you aren’t currently using Optimize your tweets for the best number of hashtags Find Twitter chats that you can join in on Create strong visuals for each Facebook post Not sure what to do for experiments? Ask in the comments! Someone else is bound to hop in with more ideas 🙂 4. Guesstimate Your Traffic With your experiments in place, guesstimate how much traffic you think you can get from each idea. Think about it on a daily schedule, and base it on your existing numbers. For example, if a tweet usually results in 5 visits to your site, then sharing 3x a day would get you 15 more visits a day, or 450 a month. Don’t worry about your guesstimate being perfect, the point is to give you an idea of what to prioritize. Now you’ll see the one experiment you should focus on . This is where you need to start putting your efforts for traffic building, everything else is a distraction. ONLY do 1 for the next 30 days. 5. Print it Out Last, print that baby out and put it by your computer. You should be getting reminded of your goal and experiments daily to make sure it happens. To recap, here’s what you should have done. If you skipped a step… well do you want your million visitors or not? Grabbed your most recent month’s traffic from Google Analytics to get your goal Picked which of the channels you want to focus on Come up with three experiments you could try for that channel Guesstimated your possible traffic from each, and put it by that experiment Printed out your spreadsheet and put it by your computer One Last Thing Post what your first experiment is, and how much traffic you want to get with that experiment, in the comments below. Making a public statement will help you follow through, and other people might join in with ideas to help make it happen. Let’s get your traffic growing like crazy. web hosting Continue reading

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How To Use Guest Posting To Increase Your Traffic And Rankings

The post How To Use Guest Posting To Increase Your Traffic And Rankings appeared first on HostGator Blog . Guest posting is an incredibly powerful tool to generate traffic and subscribers. In fact, guest blogging is one of the most effective free traffic strategies. However, a lot of people approach the guest blogging process in the wrong way. In order to get the most out of guest blogging you need to be posting on websites that have overlap with your ideal audience. Below you’ll find an exact strategy you can utilize time and time again to send new traffic and leads to your website.   What Is Guest Blogging? Guest blogging is the process of writing for high profile blogs and websites in your niche. Most often you guest blog for free. But, in return you can associate yourself with a high authority website to borrow authority, and can illustrate your value to your market. Guest blogging is an incredible way to build your authority and send qualified traffic your way through dropping backlinks throughout your post, or within your author byline.   What Are Your Guest Blogging Goals Before you start actively guest posting it’s important to define your goals. The last thing you want is to start guest posting on a regular basis only to see no result for your business. Are you looking to generate more traffic for your website? Are you trying to build authority and a name for yourself in your niche? Or, are you trying to build high-quality backlinks to grow your search engine rankings? Define what results you want to achieve for your business, and track every post you write, so you can refine your strategy over time.   Developing A Guest Blogging Strategy Your guest blogging efforts won’t succeed unless you have an actionable and trackable plan to follow. Below you’ll find a five–step process you can implement time and time again. 1. Build Up Your Online Persona or Platform Before you start guest blogging it’s important you take the time to build a solid online presence. You’ll need a solid foundation in the online space that you’re going to be sending qualified traffic to. 2. Identify Guest Blogging Opportunities When you’re identifying blogs to contribute to make sure they have a sizable audience and have at least some overlap with your niche. Obviously, the blogs you end up choosing will depend your niche and goals. The two processes below will help you build a targeted list of blogs to contribute to. Search Google for “[your niche] + guest blogging”, or “[your niche] write for us” Visit Alltop and select your niche for a list of high-quality blogs. These will help you build a solid list you can pitch over time. 3. Start The Outreach Process Every blog you contribute to will have different writing guidelines. Some blogs will require you to submit a full post, while others will prefer you pitching a group of ideas. Your pitches will be rejected every time if you don’t adhere to the writer’s guidelines. When finding the right person to email always try to email the editor or the content manager if it’s a larger website, as they’re in charge of the content for the site. If it’s a single author blog then reach out to the blogger directly. When pitching the blog make sure to build rapport with the author or editor first, as this will increase your chances of your post being accepted. 4. Create Epic Blog Posts When writing in front of another audience you want to bring your best writing to the table. Don’t hold back, and don’t send off your secondary content. You want to make a good impression on these websites, and build a connection with their audiences. By providing extreme value you’ll have readers flocking to your website to learn more about what you have to offer. 5. Continue The Process Luckily, there are so many blogs and websites looking for high-quality content that you can replicate this process time and time again. Over time, after you’ve exhausted all of the blogs in your niche you can move on to related blogs and websites. Guest blogging is an incredible strategy that doesn’t require any upfront investment besides your time. The steps above will help you build a strategy that works for you and your business for the long-term. web hosting Continue reading

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What Makes Ruby On Rails Special?

The post What Makes Ruby On Rails Special? appeared first on HostGator Blog . Ruby on Rails (ROR) was first released on December 12, 2005. Since then, it has been a hot commodity for developers and users alike. It’s an open-source web application and full-stack framework using the programming language called “Ruby,” hence the name. What are some of the engineering patterns it uses? Here are just a few: Convention Over Configuration (CoC) Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY) Active Record Pattern Modern View Controller (MVC) –organizes application programming Why do developers choose to use ROR? For the most part, it can take hundreds or thousands of hours to create the app of your dreams. ROR cuts down on work with faster development time. Additionally, it has an extensive library of what are called “Gems,” that can add a bevy of functionality. Moreover, automated testing is available to let you test code as you write it.   What Ruby Offers With Ruby On Rails, the learning curve is relatively short. Its’ syntax makes the constructs stream logically, and with vibrancy. Currently there are over 200,000 sites supported by Ruby On Rails. There is also the benefit if offers with its modular design. For instance, the gems library is similar to that of a WordPress plugin. You can use gems to perform actions such as creating PDF files, displaying map data, and social media interactions. Additionally, you are given login/logout options as well as integrations with email and/or text messages.   What Can It Do? The depth that comes along with using Ruby is mind-boggling. Here are some of the features available: URL – You can adapt or develop search engine adaptive URLs Active Records – This development program includes database active library and will automatically map tables to rows and also classes in objects. Debug Applications – Ruby on Rails gives you specific and detailed error logs so you can easily debug all your applications. Tightened Security – Ruby takes away the burden of having to use the ‘h’ method. It now escapes all input by default and if you want to ‘un-escape’ data you simply use the ‘RAW’ method. Bundler – This is a useful new feature to Ruby and helps you manage your dependencies. Just add a line for the gems you need within your gem file, and it will download & configure all gems you need for the project. Action Mailer – This function has been simplified to send mail with ease. Default settings can now be optionally overwritten. It comes with cleaner APIs, and you can also retrieve and manipulate ‘mail’ objects before their delivery. Store Components – Create modularized templates and add components or store your reusable code.   Quicker Development Convention over Configuration does exactly as it states. With other programing languages, developers need to spend an extensive amount of time on how their code will communicate with the database. This is also true for the exact file structure for the project, and the wide variety settings needed for configuration files. However, CoC offers what is called “sensible defaults.” These are conventions that already work with a number of applications. This means you spend less time setting up the project and can focus more on any possible issues. Moreover, with the DRY feature, you no longer have to worry about replicating code over and over again. Instead, you write the code once and can use it where needed. It also makes things more convenient for future code changes.   What You Need To Know If you already have basic or advanced knowledge of HTML and CSS, then learning ROR should not be an issue for you. If you don’t, then you should start learning those two languages first. The good news is that they are also quite easy to comprehend and practice. Once you learn the ins and outs of ROR, it might start feel like second nature. Not to mention, it is quite enjoyable. There are a wide variety of resources available, whether it be taking online courses or reading instructional books. Most tools offer straightforward approaches to learning the structure of this dynamic language. In addition to its many advantages, ROR can make it more cost-effective to create and maintain a site and/or application. You will be able to create feature-rich constructions without as much output as one might have expected. Then, if you want additional features, they can be added rather quickly and conveniently. When you consider the power and convenience of ROR, it’s no wonder why they were chosen in the development of platforms such Twitter, Shopify and Basecamp. Their active community is helpful for those new to ROR, making it even more enticing for intrigued developers to test out.   ***** Natalie Lehrer is a senior contributor for  CloudWedge . In her spare time, Natalie enjoys exploring all things cloud and is a music enthusiast. Follow Natalie’s daily posts on Twitter: @ Cloudwedge , or on  Facebook .   Image source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/nez/177722693/   web hosting Continue reading

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What Does Your About Page Say To Your Audience?

The post What Does Your About Page Say To Your Audience? appeared first on HostGator Blog . Your about page is a crucial part of your website. You can use it to convey valuable information about your business and connect with your user in new and more meaningful ways. Sadly, most business don’t use their about page to actually deepen their relationship with their users. Instead they just use the page to talk about themselves and give a quick rundown of their services offered. These elements are necessary, but they shouldn’t be the sole focus of your about page.   Make Your About Page About Your Visitors When you’re at a party, or having a conversation with someone and they keep going on and on about themselves, it’s not a very fun conversation is it? Your about page comes across the same way when you only talk about yourself and your accolades. Instead, try a different approach, and make your about page about your readers . The moment a visitor clicks over to your about page you’ll want to tell them the benefits they’ll receive if they stick around. You want to speak to anything that will prevent them from clicking the back button. Address their needs and pain points as soon as possible.   Speak To Their Feelings When you can convey emotion and feeling with your about page it’s much easier to get them excited about what you’re offering. By taking the time to explain their feelings, your visitors will automatically feel like they’re accepted and part of what you’re building. It’s much easier to get someone to take action when you show that you deeply understand their needs.   Get Into Their Heads Once you’ve shown you understand them on a level of emotion you need to make your readers feel as if you can read their minds and present them with the perfect solution. You can do this by going deeper into their pain points, and showing how you can solve their problems, and that you’ve done it before.   Use The “Humble Brag” When you brag about yourself or your business accomplishments you need to do it in a way that doesn’t turn off your readers. Simply listing your accomplishments can actually isolate your readers and make it harder for them to relate to you. A great way to do this is to wrap your accomplishments inside of a story or a joke. Or, you can highlight them alongside other less than perfect details.   Wrap Up With A Call-To-Action Once you finish your newly upgraded copy on your about page it’s time to tell your visitor what to do next. Since your about page often gets a lot of traffic you should conclude the page with a call-to-action that leads to a subscribe form or some other course of action. Give your users a way to continue the conversation with you. Making sure your about page connects with your users is a crucial piece a lot of online business owners are missing. Get this piece right and you’ll see your subscribers and relationships start to blossom. web hosting Continue reading

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