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Use Your Website Analytics to Prepare for Holiday Traffic

The post Use Your Website Analytics to Prepare for Holiday Traffic appeared first on HostGator Blog . If you run an eCommerce store, it’s already time to be thinking about the holidays. The holiday season is exciting for online stores because it means an influx of sales. But it’s also stressful, because it’s the most important time of year to be on your A-game so you don’t miss out on the profit opportunities of all that gift giving. For the next couple of months, you want to make your website and holiday marketing strategy do as much for you as absolutely possible. One of the best ways make the right movies to get those holiday dollars is by making your analytics a key part of your planning for the holiday season. 8 Ways Website Analytics Can Prepare You for Holiday Shoppers Here are eight ways your analytics can help you craft a more successful holiday marketing campaign this year.   1. Revisit last year’s analytics. Start by looking at the analytics for October through early January of last year. Pull up all the different data sources you have so you can get the big picture of what worked during last year’s holiday season. This likely includes:      Google Analytics     PPC analytics      Email analytics      Social media analytics (both for unpaid social media marketing and paid advertising) In addition, you may have analytics from your SEO, CRM, audience listening tools, and any other piece of marketing technology you use. Identify all the different sources of analytics you have so you can bring them together to do your analysis. You want to be able to spot how different analytics tell a larger story – was that boost in traffic for a particular blog post in December because you emailed it to your list or promoted it on social media? Did the gift guide you put together drive sales to the products you highlighted? The most important data to analyze here is that from the holiday season, but don’t stop there. Take a high-level view of all your analytics from the past year. This will help you spot trends in what your audience responded to throughout the year and if there have been any changes to the channels they care about between last year and now. If the past few months saw an uptick in results from Instagram, for example, you don’t want to leave that out of your holiday marketing planning. The overall trends from the past year will help you gain a better understanding of who your audience is and what they respond to, while your data from this time last year provides insights into how they behave during the holiday season. Looking at both will help you gain a clear picture of what works for your target audience so you can craft your holiday marketing strategy accordingly.   2. Identify your top marketing channels. With all your data in front of you, start figuring out which tactics and channels most consistently lead to sales and, more importantly, which provide the highest ROI. Google Analytics will show you where traffic is coming from and allows you to set up conversion tracking (so you can connect website behavior to eventual sales). Your other analytics sources can help you dig deeper into the data for each visitor —your email marketing data can reveal which email drove a specific visit, and your social analytics show which specific posts contributed to your social traffic. Keep in mind here that some of your tactics that don’t lead to conversions right away may help drive people to the channels that eventually pay off, so don’t discount those social media posts that got people to your website even if the visitor didn’t convert to a sale on the first visit . This is why you’re working to see the bigger picture — so you can draw connections between how everything fits into your larger strategy. With this information, you can begin to rule out the tactics that aren’t leading to sales and determine the ones you should definitely invest time and money into this year.   3. Analyze the timing of purchases. Conventional wisdom about holiday shopping may be that most shoppers will buy gifts on Black Friday or last minute in the weeks leading up to the holidays, but research from CPC Strategy found instead that over a third start shopping before Thanksgiving. This is why you should trust data over conventional wisdom! But don’t just assume CPC Strategy’s averages apply to your customers. Sit down and figure out for yourself when your audience does their shopping. Analyze your purchase data from last year to figure out what portion of your customers did their shopping well in advance and which tended to be last-minute shoppers. You may well have a mix of both, but if your audience tends to buy within a particular time period, then that should be when you do the biggest push in your marketing. Send out persuasive promotions to your email list, increase your PPC maximum budget, and do a big social media push. This data can also help you figure it out if it will pay to offer faster shipping options when it gets closer to Hanukkah and Christmas day. If a majority of your customers are last-minute rush shoppers, then you can make the decision to buy from you easier with guarantees that the products will get there in time.   4. Figure out which keywords lead to conversions. This is key for both your PPC and SEO strategies over the next couple of months. You don’t just want to track which of the keywords you targeted led to increased traffic, you want to figure out which of those visitors turned into customers. Based on what your analytics show, you can craft a PPC strategy for the holiday season that targets the types of keywords most likely to lead to actual revenue. And you can create a content plan that incorporates the keywords that bring in your most high-value visitors to improve your holiday SEO. HostGator’s expert team of PPC pros can help you spin up a lucrative holiday campaign quickly. Contact us to learn more.   5. Repurpose your best content from past seasons. Content marketing may be a long game, but that doesn’t mean that seasonal content can’t pay off big if you do it right. Look at the holiday content you created over the past few years and which pieces brought in new visitors and purchases. This can not only help you generate new ideas for content to create this year based on what you know resonates with your audience, but you can take the concepts you know pay off and rework them to replicate those results. Was your gift guide a hit last year? Create a new one for this year, or make a few different versions for different audiences. Did people really respond to your blog posts about holiday giving? Create a video tackling the same topic. Repurposing is a tried and true tactic for making the successful content you’ve created go further.   6. Highlight your best products on your most popular pages. In the Behavior > Site Content section of Google Analytics, you can see which pages on your website get the most visits. Each of these is an opportunity to drive more conversions. Look at the products and promotions that performed the best during the holiday season last year and use your popular pages to promote them. By getting the items your visitors are most likely to buy in front of more of them on those pages, you increase the chances of turning visitors into conversions. You have to make sure that your products don’t feel shoehorned in here, but an attractive image that links your visitors back to the product page can likely be worked into the design of the page without it distracting from what your visitors came to the page for to begin with.   7. Send personalized emails to your list. Your email marketing analytics provide a wealth of data on what your subscribers have opened and clicked on in the past. And unlike the rest of your data, most email marketing software providers let you break down the data in terms of the behavior of specific people. That means you don’t just see that 1000 people opened your email, you can see who those specific people are. Use the data you have on what individual subscribers like to create a personalized email campaign during the holiday season. Put together emails that highlight the kind of content and products that were popular during the holidays last year and create segmented email lists to get the most relevant holiday emails to the right people on your list.   8. Do A/B testing to collect better data for next year. Everything you do for the next few months will create the analytics you use to repeat this process next year. Use the opportunity to establish even better data to shape next year’s plan with A/B testing. See what happens when you offer free shipping on some days and not others, or pit a free gift-wrapping option against faster delivery to see which gets more people to buy. Try A/B testing emails with different subject lines or CTAs to see which get people to open and click. And try promoting different products and packages to see if some lead to higher conversions than others.   Don’t Forget Your Site Analytics This Holiday Season This is the most important time of year to get things right. Use the analytics you have now to create a strategy likely to increase sales and revenue throughout the holiday season, and generate more useful analytics at the same time to take things even further next year. Find the post on the HostGator Blog Continue reading

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Finding the Best E-Commerce Marketplaces for Your Online Store

The post Finding the Best E-Commerce Marketplaces for Your Online Store appeared first on HostGator Blog . Why Promote Your Online Store on E-Commerce Marketplaces? A website and an online store are musts for e-commerce, but they’re also only a good start. Industry analysts say small online retailers also need to establish a presence on multiple marketplaces to stay competitive and reach more potential customers. You have more marketplace options than you may realize—and because the marketplace marketplace is so competitive, many marketplaces work hard to make selling, shipping, and marketing easier for their merchants. Why Should You Sell on Multiple E-commerce Marketplaces? Nearly all consumers— 97%, as of June 2017 —search on marketplaces at least some of the time. Avoiding marketplaces means missing out on product searches by virtually all online shoppers. Not only that, but  about a third of shoppers search on marketplaces before heading to a retailer’s own online shop, which means marketplace accounts are marketing tools as well as points of purchase. So signing up your store for one of the big marketplaces like Amazon or eBay should be all you need to do, right? Probably not. The marketplace industry is growing, with new, niche, and international options coming online all the time. For example, Tokyo-based Mercari’s June IPO raised $1.2 billion and it’s planning to expand its current US peer-to-peer market. Limiting yourself to one marketplace limits your exposure to potential buyers. Sticking with big marketplaces also means ignoring smaller marketplaces that may cater better to your audience. And each marketplace has its pros and cons – one may have more visitors overall, while in another your shop has less competition. Your shop doesn’t need to (and couldn’t possibly be) on every marketplace, but being on the right marketplaces for your business is important.   Major E-commerce Marketplaces Here’s a quick rundown of some of the largest and best-known marketplaces along with a few niche options and some peer-to-peer platforms that can also work for certain types of small business.   1. Amazon Marketplace Amazon Marketplace reaches 150 million unique visitors in the US each month, plus more abroad. The marketplace offers businesses who pay a base monthly rate of $39.99 more support and options than individual Amazon sellers receive, like payment processing, geolocation-based offers, and fulfillment.   2. Walmart Marketplace Walmart Marketplace reaches 110 million monthly visitors and only charges referral fees on each sale. Those fees range from 6% for personal computers to 20% for jewelry, with everything else at eight, 12, or 15%. Store owners have to pass Walmart Marketplace’s approval process, which can take up to two weeks.   3. Ebay Ebay had 113 unique US visitors a month in late 2017. Like Amazon, eBay gives individual sellers and businesses a platform for selling. Businesses can choose from a range of monthly plans that include a set number of listings, from a couple hundred (like my tiny resale shop where I offload thrift-store finds) to several thousand. Store subscriptions come with marketing tools, store customization capabilities, and reports.   4. Etsy Etsy , which started as a marketplace for crafters and artisans, reaches some 19 million shoppers. It just announced changes that include new paid plans for shop owners that come with more tools than the free plan. Etsy focuses on handmade goods, vintage, craft supplies, and items manufactured in compliance with the company’s policies. Etsy also connects retail buyers with sellers that have the capacity to produce wholesale lots.   Other US Marketplaces Besides the “big three” marketplaces, you have other options. Japan-based Rakuten runs a US-only marketplace for US sellers that charges monthly fees plus a commission and fee on each sale. Sears runs a marketplace with a similar fee structure. Tech marketplace Newegg operates in 50 countries and offers tiered membership plans, discounted fulfillment help, and promotion tools. Bonanza is a smaller marketplace that excels at getting seller’s wares to rank high in Google search results through careful optimization and helps sellers manage their inventory across marketplaces.   International Marketplaces If your business is already thriving at home, it may be time to look for growth overseas. Depending on demand in foreign markets and your budget for cross-border selling costs, expanding into Latin America and Asia may be doable.   1. MercadoLibre MercadoLibre is the biggest online marketplace in Latin America , and it offers shipping and translation support for merchants outside the region who want to reach its 33 million customers. Approved merchants pay a 16% commission on sales, with no listing fees, but there is a $500 minimum for wire transfers to merchant bank accounts.   2. Alibaba Alibaba is China’s largest operator of online marketplaces, with more than 440 million customers. The company’s Tmall Global platform is open to US merchants who pay commissions on sales plus yearly fees that range from $5,000 to $10,000 depending on the category, so it’s a viable choice only for small businesses with budgets that can accommodate the fees.   Other Marketplace Options There’s not quite a marketplace for every type of product, but there are a lot: For runway designer clothing resale, there’s TheRealReal . For fine jewelry and watches, TrueFacet . Partsmarket is one of several auto parts marketplaces. Reverb caters to musicians looking to buy or sell instruments and gear. Whatever you sell, check to see if there’s an active, specialized marketplace for it.   How to Track All Your E-commerce Marketplaces As you add marketplaces, be sure to track your traffic and sales in each new channel, so you can see which of your new channels is delivering the best results. If your business is very small and you’re only selling on a couple of marketplaces, you may be tempted to try to manually track your sales across all your channels. At best, this is not the highest and best use of your time as a business owner. It’s a shortcut to unhappy shoppers if someone buys the last of an item in your store only to learn that it’s actually out of stock because a customer on another marketplace already snagged it. It’s a better idea to start using multichannel management tools when you set up your marketplace accounts, so your inventory, fulfillment, and shipping are synced from the start. If you’re just adding a couple of marketplaces, your e-commerce service may have plugins available so you can manage everything from your shop dashboard. Another option is a third-party service like ChannelUnity or SellerDynamics that offers integrations among a dozen or more different platforms and marketplaces.   Choosing E-Commerce Marketplace for Your Online Store The bottom line on marketplaces is that they’re where the customers are these days. Research your customers to find out which marketplaces they spend their time on, look into fees and selling requirements, and go meet your audience where they like to shop. Find the post on the HostGator Blog Continue reading

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7 Tips For Creating Landing Page Content That Actually Converts

The post 7 Tips For Creating Landing Page Content That Actually Converts appeared first on HostGator Blog . How To Create Landing Page Content That Actually Converts Creating a well-optimized landing page for your company website, eCommerce store or blog can be tricky. Depending on your niche and the audience you built up, chances are that your landing page already has a stable design solution . However, you may find that even if your landing page is functional, it’s still not bringing in enough new conversions . The main reason for a landing page to exist at all is to present your site to would-be customers. With only a short timeframe available for dazzling each visitor, what are some tips and tricks that can help your landing pages convert more easily ? 1. Limit Distractions The number one mistake of most websites is that the landing pages rely on a bombardment of information and options. Your landing page is often the first contact your potential customer has with your brand. Remember that it’s almost impossible to fix bad first impressions, so why squander the opportunity? Create a list of essential information, visual elements and hyperlinks that will go onto your landing page. Every link or piece of information irrelevant to the presentation of your brand and product should be left out. This is one of the most elemental rules of visual design – the proper use of negative space in web design. The fewer elements you have present, the more attention will go to the ones present.   2. Focus on Benefits, Not Products Instead of featuring a load of products right there on the landing page, why not go easy on your visitors? Make sure to include the benefits of using your products as the main selling points. Your landing page should convince a user that your brand and services are worth their time and money. In the words of Jason Chase, head of content writing for  TopWritersReview,  “The benefits you offer your clients are what separate you from the competition.” Once you create a need for your products in your visitors’ eyes, it will be easy to convert them into customers and followers.   3. Keep Your CTA Short Landing pages should feature short-form text that doesn’t take long to read but carries a powerful message. Calls to action (CTAs) can play a huge role in your conversion rates and site performance overall. Focus on creating short-form content without going into details of why your products are good and what differentiates them from others on the market. Information such as this should be featured on additional pages that are specifically designed to go into details of who you are and what you do. As for the landing page itself, direct, short-form content with clear messages should always take priority. Even if someone is only remotely interested in your brand and products, they will still manage to read your CTA in a few short seconds. Once they do, it might be too late to turn around and forget your site.   4. Feature Testimonials Testimonials are considered some of the best conversion rate boosters on the internet. This is because people trust other real-world people more than they trust stock photos with smiling faces. Gone are the days when it was enough to come up with a quote and put it on a staged photograph in order to drive your business forward. Make sure to ask your customers for a quote and a picture that you can use on your website. If they can get a picture of themselves while using your product, even better.    5. Use a Friendly Tone Your audience is human just like you. You should use a casual, friendly tone in addressing them while still maintaining a sense of professionalism. Be respectful in your writing but don’t be afraid to let your guard down and use a small joke or a funny line here and there. People like coming across websites with quality services that manage to maintain a sense of humor while still delivering on their promise. Your landing page should represent the mentality and mindset of your employees and office culture. In short, be yourself when creating content for your landing page and don’t try to simply copy what the competition might be doing. What works for one business doesn’t necessarily work for the other – be original and it will come back to you in spades. If you don’t have in-house content creators, you can refer to a professional writing service for such assistance. Using services such as RewardedEssays , SupremeDissertations , FlashEssay , GetGoodGrade , or HotEssayService will get the job done. Each of these services offers a distinct type of writing depending on individual project needs – make sure to check them out.   6. Use Numbers Numeric data is always a good selling point to feature on your landing page. No matter what data you include, the fact remains that people like seeing numbers and statistics when browsing the internet. You can add things such as the percentile of your satisfied customers, the number of products you sold the past week, email subscribers you have on account, etc. Make sure to use the data that works in your advantage and would likely convince someone to pitch in with your business. Once you establish trust through data, there is very little that can stand in the way of your conversion rates going up.   7. Make It Easy Lastly, the most important task you have as a website owner is to make the conversion process as easy as possible. People don’t want to verify their identities two or three times just to create an account on your website. Mistakes such as these can easily be avoided. The same rule applies for purchases, discussion participation and interaction with your content overall. Make it as easy and obvious as possible to make contact with your brand and products to maximize your conversion rates. You can always refer to web design color theory and create a color pattern that will identify interactive elements from those that are decorative. Find a method that works for your specific niche and stick to it. Find the post on the HostGator Blog Continue reading

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5 Excellent Influencer Marketing Ideas for Any E-commerce Store

The post 5 Excellent Influencer Marketing Ideas for Any E-commerce Store appeared first on HostGator Blog . 5 Influencer Marketing Ideas for Your E-commerce Store Influencer marketing is a strategy worth trying for e-commerce stores. With tough competition and a global market, brands are seeking new ways to turn hesitant shoppers into loyal customers. That’s why store owners are investing heavily in influencer marketing. “Significantly, the success of influencer marketing has occurred not just because of the value it’s shown as a marketing tactic. In fact, research has shown influencer marketing’s effectiveness at meeting a myriad of goals,” states Entrepreneur contributor Kamiu Lee . There’s more than one way to achieve your business goals with influencer marketing. Here are five tactics to get you started today. 1. Sponsored Ads Advertising gets a bad reputation. Consumers usually associate ads as something horrible that companies insist they see. Rightfully so, considering most ads consist of mind-numbing content. They may convey a subpar product or misinterpret how the consumer relates to the brand. So when consumers think of advertising, they run the opposite direction. However, you can change consumers’ feelings with influencer marketing . Your audience wants to hear from people they trust and respect in the industry. Influencers bridge the gap between boring ad and amazing content that includes your product. Nespresso collaborates with Food Feels to show off their coffee machine. This gorgeous picture gives fans an inside look at the product experience. Followers express their love in the comments. There’s a major lesson to learn in sponsored ads. Instead of focusing on your brand and product, gear the conversation toward the customer. It’s one of the most effective ways to gain someone’s attention. Moreover, ads don’t have to operate in the traditional channels, like television or radio. You can join forces with an influencer and promote your ad online. Do sponsor ads differently. That’s how you will spark consumer interest.   2. Affiliate Marketing Influencer marketing isn’t always about brand awareness. You want your strategic actions to actually produce sales for your business. By combining influencer and affiliate marketing, you can build a mutually beneficial relationship with an influencer. The individual can earn cash for every sale they drive to your store. This partnership ensures you’re not throwing money at a partnership without a measurable goal. Plus, the influencer can rack up more money than a normal contract. “Custom affiliate links can be generated using an influencer platform, while marketers can choose to add commission to collaborations…[C]ompanies can benefit from the awareness and personal messaging of a pure influencer marketing campaign, while at the same time being able to track the direct revenue that comes with affiliate marketing campaigns,” writes Nicole Michaelis , chief marketing officer at Referanza. For affiliate marketing to work well, state your expectations up front with influencers. Lay out the process and highlight the commissions for each sale. Understand that not all influencers will accept your agreement. And that’s okay. Take the time to search for individuals that fit your marketing scheme along with your values. Affiliate marketing is an effective tool to get business results. Coupled with influencer marketing, you’ll see your bottom line increase. Learn about HostGator’s affiliate marketing program.   3. Influencer Takeovers Social media has opened the doors for brands to communicate with customers. It’s a channel dedicated to interaction and where influence thrives. If a consumer has an issue, they can contact your team in a couple of clicks. If you want to highlight your latest product, you can promote it in your feed instantly. Now, when you add influencers to the mix, you engage in an opportunity to expand your reach and visibility. Social media becomes more than just a broadcast channel; it turns into an engagement channel. An influencer takeover involves handing your social media controls to an expert in the field who will engage with your audience. The goal is for the individual to add new content and take your fans on a different journey. In the example below, Brian Fanzo, millennial keynote speaker and change evangelist, did an Instagram takeover on Buffer’s account . He shared advice about social media and community building. For the best results, use your most active social channel for the influencer takeover. That way, you’re connecting with consumers where they enjoy communicating. You’ll also want to lean on the influencer on what content to produce. Influencers know what they are doing. Try not to stifle their creativity because you can’t fully see the vision. So, start scouting individuals for your next influencer takeover. Your followers will like the exciting content.   4. In-Person Events As an e-commerce store, it’s easy to think everything great is happening online. You get stuck in promoting only on the Internet. Well, there’s a whole world full of consumers engaging with brands offline. From pop-up stores to conferences to VIP catered gatherings, you have the power to attract more consumers. Use in-person events to invite influencers to share in the experience. With exclusive access, they can bring their following to the event via social media. “If your event is a food festival, the main social media influencers will probably be on Instagram, posting dramatic pics of sushi and cocktails. If you host a business conference, the biggest names might be on LinkedIn, sharing articles on best practices and business trends,” says Christy Huggins , social media manager at Eventbrite. The first step is to create an event related to your brand and audience. Don’t try to host a hip-hop music session if it doesn’t match your consumers’ interests. Next, select influencers who thrive in front and behind the camera. You want someone who can bring the event to life with live commentary on Snapchat or beautiful photos on Instagram. If you need to hire an event planner, do it. Then, add your influencer to kick it up a notch.   5. Giveaways Consumers like to participate in chances to win free products. It’s our human nature to want surprises. Remember when Oprah gave away all those cars ? It brought smiles to the recipients and everyone who tuned in to watch the show. Giveaways are like small packages of hope wrapped up in our favorite products. Sure, your most loyal customers will buy the product regardless. But it’s always cool to think you may win the free item. Influencers can help you spread the joy of giveaways. You can either tell them to promote on their websites and social channels, or you may even associate their well-known name with the giveaway. Check out this example from Milk Makeup . The brand partnered with YouTube star and celebrity makeup artist Jkissa to giveaway $600 worth of products. In the customer experience, giveaways fall underneath fun ways to connect with buyers. Also, it’s a chance to push product awareness to the forefront. You’ll want to add your signature product to the giveaway—the one item that all your customers love. Then, you can shower the giveaway with new products or lesser-known items. This strategy lets you highlight other products in your store. What will make your giveaway stand out? Talk with your team to get ideas that will thrill your audience.   Start Leveraging Influence Influencer marketing plays an integral role in e-commerce stores. Take advantage of it to expose your products to the right audience. Experiment with sponsored ads to leverage an influencer’s following. Host a takeover giving an influencer full access to your social channels. Also, you can use giveaways to grab consumers’ attention. Market with influence to grow your e-commerce store . Find the post on the HostGator Blog Continue reading

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[BG] Unmetered Servers From only $60 / month

Hello, While we regularly remind the audience here about our great range of dedicated servers in Ukraine, it feels like we don’t give eno… | Read the rest of http://www.webhostingtalk.com/showthread.php?t=1712369&goto=newpost Continue reading

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